Thursday, February 10, 2011


“…I know that sometimes, much as we all hate to admit it, it’s just easier to park the kids in front of the TV for a few hours, so we can pay the bills…or do the laundry…or just have some peace and quiet for a change. Sometimes, it’s just easier to say yes to that extra snack or dessert, because frankly, it is exhausting to keep saying no. It’s exhausting to plead with our kids to eat just one more bite of vegetables. It’s exhausting to put in the effort to make a homecooked meal when all they really want is something from the microwave or the drive-thru. The truth is that today, we have more choices than ever about how we live and eat…but so many of those choices simply aren’t good for our kids. And little by little…sometimes without us even noticing…those choices have started to add up.”

She talked about how at the end of the day, "we have to ask ourselves: what can I do?" to help solve the problem of childhood obesity in a generation.

During her trip, the First Lady also stopped by Burgess-Peterson Elementary School and visited with the students. Check out this Behind the Scenes video of some kindergarteners singing “Apples & Bananas” in honor of the First Lady’s visit and in celebration of the anniversary of the launch of the Lets Move! Initiative:

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